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Work-From-Home Snacking Tips

Work-From-Home Snacking Tips

If the COVID-19 health crisis has taught us anything about our snacking habits, it is that when the line between work and home is blurred, our typical structures and schedules often fall to the wayside. When the 11 AM slump hits and last night’s leftover cookies in the pantry pop into your mind, it takes one who is very strong of will to deny the urge to rip into them right away… And then again, at 3 PM when the restless craving kicks in again. Knowing this, we’ve decided to create some tips for staying on top of work-from-home snacking–so that snacking can be something to be enjoyed, not feared or avoided!


1. Try meal-prepping not just core meals, but your snacks, too!

Meal-prepping has long been lauded as a life-saver for busy people. But what about prepping your work-from-home snacks, too? We’ve all been there—mindlessly eating out of a bag of chips while doing something else when, suddenly, you reach in to find the bag empty. Whoops. Pre-portioning out your snacks into containers will help prevent accidental overeating, even when you know there is more in the pantry.

2. Schedule your mealtimes.

Having a set schedule of eating times—even snack times—and sticking to it will help you stay on top of your snacking habits even when your work schedule inevitably shifts. Having consistency in at least one area of life may help you cope with the constant changes that are happening outside of our control.

3. Try to keep a large selection of healthy snacks on-hand.

That way, when the urge to snack takes over, you are at least doing so in the healthiest way possible. At House of Pistachios, we’ve got lots of nutritious snack options to choose from: 

Nuts contain a number of important nutrients that may help reduce heart disease and diabetes risk factors. They’re also a good source of protein, which means they will help you feel full for longer!

Most dried fruits are rich in dietary fiber and Vitamin C, and many contain inflammation-fighting nutrients!

If you want a mix of salty and sweet, a controlled portion of trail mix can provide a boost of energy while satisfying your craving!

4. Press pause.

While working at home, it can be easy to justify working straight through lunch. But as we mentioned in the last point, being distracted during a meal often leads to overeating. Take a break and actually enjoy your meal–even if it’s just a snack! A little step away from the computer may even help you feel more refreshed and present in your work when you come back to it. 

5. Stay hydrated.

So often, our perpetual need to snack on something while working from home is really a misinterpretation of our body telling us we’re thirsty! Keeping your belly full with lots of water will help you know whether you’re actually hungry or if you should be reaching for the water glass rather than the cookie jar. 

With these tips, you’ll be on your way to taking back control over your work-from-home snacking in the time of COVID-19–and as we all adjust to this “new normal,” it’s nice to have at least one thing under control.

Stay safe and stay snacking!